Monday, July 11, 2011

Finally UP Government adopts RTE Act in the State

Allahabad: Education Resource Society

 The State Education Department formally implemented the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 in the state. Issuing a government order , directed as schools coming under the basic and secondary education departments not to charge any kind of Fees from students up to class-8th This  step would benefits around 2.5 crore children in the state.

According to the Provision of RTE Act, Every Child of the age of six to 14 years shall have the right to free and compulsory education in a neighborhood school till his/her completion of elementary education.

Section 3(2) of the Act says for the purpose of attaining the target," no child shall be liable to pay any kind of fees or charges or expenses which may prevent him/her  from pursuing and completing elementary education."

The order would be applicable  for all aided schools under state basic education and secondary education departments imparting education to the level of class 8th.In the State there are more than 2 lakh Primary schools where 1.84 crore children getting their education.