Thursday, September 1, 2011

campaign on Girl Child Education

A Campaign on Promotion of Girl Child Education


Education Resource Society: 28th August 2011

Education Resource Society launched a campaign for promoting Enrollement and Girl Child Education in three Panchyat of Bahadurpur, Kotari and Faijullapur in the leadership of 6 Bal Groups. The campaign starts from July onwards where the Samuh Children interacted with out of school children and their Parents and motivate them for sending their children to Schools. Groups also hold various small meetings in the villages and put forth the issue of Education and discussed with them how education is important in today's life. During the program 70 children have been enrolled in Govt. Primary Schools. Finally the campaign culminated with the Jagrukta Rally and BAL Sabha in the leadership of BAL Group leader Ratan and Conducted by Ayushi. Almost 150 Children and 20 Parents took participation in it where children discussed their  educational problems like lack of School in Village Bahadurpur Muslim Basti  and Chhoti Kotari and school is so far away from their homes which prevents children especially Girls for attending schools. These are the basic reasons for non-enrollment and Dropout in these villages. Some children raised their voices about lack of Boundary wall in their schools and discussed the low quality of MDM which they don't like to eat. After discussing their problems and issues Children decided to interface with Teachers, Panchayats representatives and education administration for taking some corrective actions on these problems. At the end Group leader Ratan said that he and his groups will try to take necessary steps for solving the problems.