Thursday, July 11, 2013

Submitted demad letter to district magistrate for basic infrastructure of schools by CBO's

शिक्षा  से सम्बंधित  विभिन्न मांगो को लेकर सामुदायिक  संगठन के  प्रतिनिधियों  ने जिलाधिकारी का किया घेराव एवं दिया ६ सूत्रीय ज्ञापन
                                                      ( कचेहरी  पर जुटे जन प्रतिनिधि )

बच्चो की बुनियादी शिक्षा को लेकर बेशक देश में "शिक्षा अधिकार कानून " लागू कर दिया गया हो, परन्तु इस कानून का असर इलाहबाद जिले के विकास खंड बहादुर पुर कछार के  ग्राम कोतारी,पूर्वी कोतारी, फैज़ुल्लापुर, फिरोजपुर , इब्राहिमपुर एवं बहादुरपुर कछार (मुस्लिम बस्ती ) बच्चो के लिए यह कानून कोई मायने नहीं रखता. एक तरफ जहाँ प्राथमिक विद्यालय  कोतारी ,फज़ुल्ला पुर एवं 0 प्रा0 फिरोजपुर  में  चहार दीवारी का अभाव  है वहीँ फिरोजपुर में ही चापाकल गन्दा पानी दे रहा है. इसी तरह फज़ुल्लापुर में 3 कक्षाओ में 135 बच्चे भूसे की तरह भरे रहते है. शिक्षा अधिकार कानून की धारा 6 के अनुसार 300 की आवादी पर 1 प्राथमिक स्कूल खोलने का प्रावधान है इस अनुसार बहादुरपुर  (मुस्लिम बस्ती ) और पूर्वी कोतारी दोनों बस्तियां मापदंड में पूर्ण पात्रता में आती है. सम्बंधित  विभाग के साथ कई बार वार्ता/मांग के बाद कोई ठोस कदम नहीं उठाया गया. इन्ही संदर्भो को लेते हुए उपरोक्त गांवो के अभिभावकों ने दिनांक 6 जुलाई  2013 को  जिलाधिकारी का घेराव किया तथा 6 सूत्रीय ज्ञापन सौपा

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Bal Huq Yatra

Accomplished  "Bal Huq Abhiyan" successfully By Education Resource Society

Education Resource Society has been conducted “Bal Haq abhiyan” from 31st  January to 3rd February 2013. During in the first phase of campaign organization organized 6 meetings with community and children groups in various habitations on the issues of child rights.The organization activists have discussed with parents and children theirs fundamental rights as given by UNCRC and Indian constitutions, i.e. Right to survival, Education, Health care, Best Nutrition, Right to protection, right to expression, choice and right to participation etc. in the meetings and sensitize to community and PRI representatives for giving to opportunity for healthy environments for their develop, learning, expression and views without any discrimination. 
The organization activists completed wall writing in the second phase of campaign. They have written relevant slogans, statements and role of different institutions in respect of children.  This is giving some massages to various stake holders for ensuring to children rights. The workers also met door to door with parents of all habitations appealing to participate in “Bal Haq Yatra” held on 3 February 2013.
The organization has organized “Bal Haq Yatra” of three Panchyats of all six villages in the last phase of campaign. The members of organization has decorates a trolley by handmade chart papers with pictures, Kites and balloons with statements and slogan related child rights and charter of demand banner. The Yatra has been start from Kotari Gram, there was conduct a gathering and given explanatory statement on child rights. After that there was play puppets show “Chalo Prakash Ki Oor” by Mr. Rajkumar with their team members on based of Rajsthani cultural.  The short drama of puppet has given massages to all parents for protected to every child from labor and trafficking and to community to ensuring theirs Right. Here after, the yatra has been departure towards village Fazullapur via Firozpur and also there were shown a puppet show. The last gathering was organized in Bahdurpur Kachchhar Muslim basti. There were more than 600 hundred people have participated.  Where also encouraged to parents and community for keeping children free from labor and encouraged to add their children in schools through puppet show and the progarmme was concluded by organization chief with appeal of ensuring child rights.