Saturday, May 13, 2017

Km. Kajal shilpkar, 11 years, class-4, PS Ganne

Km. Kajal shilpkar, 11 years, class-4, PS Ganne

11 o’khZ; dkty o 8 o’khZ; vkapy nksuks lxh cgus bykgkckn ds fodkl[kaM “kadjx<+ ds xUus igkM+h dh jgus okyh gSA nksuks cfPp;ka eka dqlqe ,oa firk lqjsUnz rFkk ,d 6 o’khZ; NksVs HkkbZ o 2 o’khZ; cgu ds lkFk >ksiM+huqek ?kj esa jgrs gSA lqjsUnz f”kYidkj tkfr ds gS tks ;gka vuqlwfpr tkfr es vkrs gSA ifjokj dk Hkj.k iks’k.k ds fy, iRFkj ls pdyk] fly o cV~Vs cukdj cktkj esa csprs gS ftlls ifjokj dk xqtkjk gksrk gSA bl dke esa dkty ds eka&cki nksuks gh fd;k djrs gSA pkj cPpks ls Hkjk iwjs ifjokj esa lqjsUnz nksuks us viuh cM+h cfPp;ksa dk uke xkao dh izkFkfed “kkyk esa fy[kk fn;kA fiNys “kS{kf.kd l= esa dkty d{kk 4 o vkapy d{kk 3 ls fo|kyk; NksM+ fn;kA laLFkk ds dk;ZdrkZvks dks tc bl lanHkZ esa irk pyk rks nksuks cfPp;ksa lesar muds eka&cki ls Ldwy NksM+us ds ckjs ckrphr fd;k x;k rks cfPp;ka rks dqN cksyus ls jghaA ijUrq eka us crk;k fd dSls Ldwy tka; ge dke djrs gS rks nksuks cPpks dks Hkh laHkkYkus dh t:jr gSA dkQh le>kus dk iz;kl fd;k x;kA ijUrq dqN [kkl ykHk ugh feykA firk lqjsUnz vyx gh ckr dj jgs Fks dgk& fd cPpks dk eu gh yx jgk bl fy, fdlh futh Ldwy esa nkf[kyk djk nsaxsaA le; chrrk x;k vkSj dkty NksVs HkkbZ cguks dh ns[kjs[k o ?kjsyw dke esa o’kZ xqtkj fn;kA u rks og futh Ldwyks esa tk ikbZ vkSj u gh ljdkjh fo|ky; esa gh x;hA dkty ds Ldwy u tkus ls vkapy Hkh Ldwy ls ckgj gks x;hA vizSy esa u;s l= dh “kq:okr esa iqu% iz;kl fd;k x;k vfHkHkkodks dks le>k;k x;k f”k{kdks ds lkFk “kkyk R;kxh cPpks dh lwph lk>k dh x;hA Ldwy ds f”k{kdks us Hkh dksf”k”k fd;k rc tkdj nksuks cfPp;ksa us izkFkfed fo|ky; xju esa iqu% d{kk 4 o d{kk 3 izos”k fy;k vkSj Ldwy tkus yxhA

An Effort made to ensure Ambulance Service for Safe Delivery

A village which is well known as Dadda Ka Pura of Kohadiya Gram Panchayat a small hamlet

with population of Kol community with number of children who always been cheated in the

name of Govt. facilities running for the sake of people’s development especially the

children and women. Condition was worst before the intervention of ERS, the medical

facilities were totally collapsed, mostly children were died due to lack of proper treatment

and proper intake of food, it can be say that this village was called totally neglected

hamlet for both the sides of department and panchayat due to situated in the last shore

of the Panchayat. ERS efforts moved a little head and bringing the facilities to the door

step of the eligible families, by taking the situation in the notice of different department.

All these circumstances happens in mid one incident took place in the family of Samar

Bahadur who is going to become father soon, a rock digger in the mines works for leading

his family, his wife Vimla near the time of her delivery she started her labour pain and

went to PHC by 102 Ambulance accompanied with ASHA and family members, when she

arrived, staff of PHC informed them about delivery which would take some more time to

happen, and ask to leave the place, they returned back to their village. The very next day

she again felt labour pain but this time the ambulance not arrived on time and

unfortunately Vimla delivered a new born, without any medical assistance , and results that

the child could come out properly, at one side she was screaming with the pain, and the

another side ERS staff was effortlessly busy in calling the Ambulance and lastly they call

the head of Regional officer of 102 Ambulance services and explained about all the

situation which were going through, he quickly called their subordinates to cover-up the

situation, finally the ambulance arrived and took the patient to nearby PHC where the

treatment started and this way the life of both mother & newly born child survived.