Thursday, November 24, 2011

Child coloring the fish

children participating in Art and Sculpture workshop organized by ERS

First step towards new creation

Nqih cky izfrHkkvksa dks yxsa ia[k
,tqds”ku fjlkslZ lkslkbVh
20 uoacj 2011

nqfu;k esa tgka cPps ,d rjQ lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh] esfMdy ,oa izcU/ku ds {ks= esa viuk Hkfo’; ryk”k jgs gS ogha dyk] gLrdyk] lkfgR; tSls fo’k; ihNs NwVrs tk jgs gSA tc fd ;s fo’k; ns”k dh ,drk] v[kaMrk] fofo/krkvks esa thou ewY;ksa ,oa laLd`fr;ksa dks latks, j[kus dk |ksrd ekuk tkrk jgk gSA bu fo’k;ksa ls u dsoy thou thus dh “kSyh feyrh jgh cfYd fofHkUu /keksZ ,oa laLd`fr;ksa dks thfor j[kus dk izsj.kk nsrs jgs gS rFkk O;fDr dh vfHkO;fDr dk lk/ku Hkh cUksA mijksDr fo’k; /khjs&/khjs fo|ky;ksa ls vkt yxHkx yqIr gks jgs gSA ftlds dkj.k cPpks dk Ldwy ls eksg Hkax gks jgk gS vkSj cPpks esa Ldwy NksM+us dh izo`fRr rsth ls mHkj jgh gSA ;gh ugh lekt esa ewY;ks dk gzkl gks jgk gSA dykRed xfrfof/k;ka cPpks dh vfHk:fp dk dsUnz jgk gSA tks cPpks dks fo|ky; esa fVds jgus ds lkFk u;s fopkjks dks [kkstus] vkykspukRed lksp rFkk lokfy;k laLd`fr ds lkFk lh[kus vkSj KkuvtZu dh izsj.kk nsrk gSA

bUgh lanHkksZ dks n`f’Vxr j[krs gq, lkekftd laLFkk **,twds”ku fjlkslZ lkslkbVh** ,d dk;Z”kkyk dk vk;kstu fd;kA ;g dk;Z”kkyk laLFkk }kjk LFkkfir **cky vfHkUko dsUnz** cgknqj dNkj esa dh x;hA tgka dksrkjh] cgknqjiqj] QSTkqYykiqj] bczkfgeiqj nfyr cLrh ds 60 cPpks us Hkkx fy;k cPpks dks viuh ialn ds vuq:Ik fp=dkfjrk ,oa feV~Vh ls fofHkUu rjg ds f[kykSus fuekZ.k dh n{krk dks fu[kkjus dk dk;Z cgqr ljyrk ls fd;kA dk;Z”kkyk esa “kkfey nfyr] vfrfiNM+s ,oa vYila[;dks ds cPpks us fofHkUu /keZ ,oa deZLFkyks ds lkFk ufn;k] igkM+] Qy&Qwy o nsoh nsorkvks dh Nfo;k dkxt esa vafdr dj viuh vfHkO;fD;ksa dks fn[kk;k rFkk feV~Vh dks rjk”k dj Hkxoku”k ds lkFk [kwcLkwjr f[kykSus dk fuekZ.k fd;kA

Saturday, November 19, 2011

RTE proves fail to Stop Corporal Punishment in Govt. Primary Schools

RTE proves fail to Stop Corporal Punishment in Govt. Primary Schools

Allahabad: Education Resource Society

Date:  18th November 18, 2011


Right to Education Act 09 , historical step towards  elementary education which ensured 6 to 14 years age group children to complete his / her primary education. As the act passes this has been ensured that no child get corporal punishment or trauma and children must get good and friendly environment to learn and develop.

"Under section 17 of RTE Act prohibits physical punishment and mental harassment to child". Still it proves fail to fulfill its objective.

Talking about the Upper Primary School Ibrahimpur established in Ibrahimpur (Gajiya) village of Bahadurpur block of Allahabad district. This village is populated with SC community.  Here, two girls named Shakuntala (13) and Sarita (14) from SC community studying in class 7th and 8th respectively. According to them their head Mistress behavior is not good towards children and one day during teaching they both got corporal punishment in class because they both forgot to bring their note book and were writing in rough copies.

Both were so humiliated and beaten as they are refusing to go to school. This is a big risk of dropping out from school

            According to Ministry of Women and Child Development with samples from 13 States, 65 per cent of school-going children are reportedly subjected to corporal punishment. Also, 62 per cent of the incidents of corporal punishment take place in government and municipal schools.


Saturday, November 12, 2011

orZeku esa gks jgs ljdkjh izkFkfed fo|ky; ls MªkivkmV cPpsa% ,d okLrfod fLFkfr ,oa fo"kys'k.k


f"k{kk dk vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e 2009 ,d ,slk dkuwu ftlds vkus ls ;g mEehn gqbZ dh vc oafpr leqnk; ds cPps f"k{kk dh eq[; /kkjk ls tqM+ ldsxsaA dkuwu ,d ,slk gfFk;kj gS ftlls ge vius gd vkSj vf/kdkjksa dks ysdj yM+ ldrs gSA lHkh cPpksa dks eqQr ,oa vfuok;Z f"k{kk feys blds fy, cgqr lkjs iz;kl fd, x,A ijarq /kjkry ij rks dqN vkSj fLFkfr;ka fn[kkbZ ns jgh gSA dkuuw dks vk, iwjs nks o'kZ gks x,A fQj Hkh bldk izHkko gesa ns[kus dks ugh feykA vkt Hkh ge vkrs&tkrs ns[krs gS fd cPps <+kcksa ij] nqdkuksa ij] Bsys ij dke djrs feyrs gSA tks dkuwu ds ,d ,dne myV gSA dkuwu dh ekus rks vc 6&14 o'kZ ds lHkh cPpksa dks ljdkj f"k{kk dh eq[; /kkjk ls tksM+us dk iz;kl dj jgh gSA ijarq tc ge okLrfodrk dks ns[krs gS rks ljdkjh dk;ksZ esa cPpksa dk vf/kd iz;ksx djrs gq, ikrs gSA dsanz ljdkj us dkuwu rks cuk fn;k ijarq jkT; ljdkj vius jkT; esa /ku ds vHkko esa bls ykxw u dj ikus dk jksuk jksrh jghA tc ;g dkuwu ykxw gqvk rks mRrj izns"k ljdkj us igys gh vius gkFk [kM+s dj fy,A ijarq tc dsanz us f"k{kk ds fy, mRrj izns"k ljdkj dks /ku nsus ls euk dj fn;k rks bUgksaus u pkgrs gq, Hkh bl dkuwu dks jkT; esa ykxw djus ij fopkj fd;k vkSj twu 2011 esa mRrj izns"k fu"kqYd vkSj vfuok;Z cky f"k{kk dk vf/kdkj fu;ekoyh 2011 dks iwjs jkT; esa ykxw dj fn;kA Hkkjr ds lanHkZ esa ns[kk tk, rks mRrj izns"k lHkh jkT;ksa ls cM+k gSA ijarq bldh ,d vkSj lPpkbZ gS fd bldks chek: jkT; Hkh dgk tk ldrk gSA vkt tc ge f"k{kk ds fy, vk jgs /ku ij xkSj djsa rks yxrk gS fd brus /ku ls rks izkFkfed f"k{kk dh rLohj gh cny tk,xh ijarq tc ge vkdM+ksa dks ns[krs gS rks  mRrj izns"k esa lkekU;r% 7-60 izfr"kr cPps viuh 8oha d{kk iwjh djrs&djrs  MªkivkmV gks tkrs gSA blds ewy dkj.k dks tkuus ds fy, ,tqds"ku fjlkslZ lkslkbVh us twu 2011 dks ,d losZ bykgkckn ds cgknqjiqj Cykd ds rhu xzke iapk;rksa esa fd;k ftlesa xzke iapk;r dksrkjh] QStqYykiqj ,oa bczkfgeiqj "kkfey gSA losZ ds nkSjku 43 cPps fpfUgr fd, x,A fpfUgr cPpksa ls tc ckr fd;k x;k rks cgqr lkjs dkj.k fudy vk, ftlls ,d ckr rks Li'V gS fd ljdkj }kjk fd;k tk jgs iz;kl bu cPpksa ds fy, fuFkZd gSA ;s ,sls cPps gS ftudh vk;q 6&14 o'kZ ds chp dh gS ;s viuh i<+kbZ chp esa gh NksM+ fn,A

losZ ds nkSjku fpfUgr cPpksa esa 61izfr"kr cPps vuqlwfpr tkfr ds ik, x,A tgka 23izfr"kr cPps vYila[;d gS ogh 16 izfr"kr cPpsa fiNM+h tkfr ds gS tks fo|ky; ls MªkivkmV gSA








fyax vuqlkj MªkivkmV cPpksa dh fLFkfr dks ns[kk tk, rks vf/kdrj cPps vuqlwfpr tkfr ds gS vkSj mlesa Hkh ckfydkvksa dh la[;k vf/kd gSA ftlesa 15 ckfydk vkSj 11 ckydksa chp esa gh viuh i<+kbZ NksM+ fn;kA tgka fiNM+h tkfr esas 4 ckyd vkSj 3 ckfydkvksa gS ogh vYila[;d cPpkas esa 6 ckyd vkSj 4 ckfydkvksa us viuh i<+kbZ iwjh fd, fcuk fo|ky; ls MªkivkmV gks x;hA




MªkivkmV gksus ds eq[; dkj.k iwNus ij cPpksa us crk;k 3 lkokZf/kd mRrj fn,A ftlesa 30 izfr"kr cPpksa us xjhch dks eq[; dkj.k crk;kA ifjokj dh thfodk esa lg;ksx djus ds fy, mUgksaus chp esa gh i<+kbZ NksM+ nhA 28 izfr"kr cPpksa us crk;k fd fo|ky; esa i<+kbZ ugh gksrh Fkh ftlls mudksa dqN le> es ugh vkrk Fkk bl dkj.k ls os fo|ky; ls MªkimV gks x,A 21 izfr"kr cPpksa us fo|ky; dh nwjh vf/kd gksus dks eq[; dkj.k crk;k ftlesa ckfydkvksa dh la[;k vf/kdA ckfydkvksa dks vuqlkj mudksa lekftd vlqj{kk eglwl gksrh gS bl fy, mUgsa fo|ky; ls MªkivkmV gksuk iM+kA 14 izfr"kr cPpksa us ?kjsyw dk;Z dks dkj.k crk;k A tgka 3 izfr"kr cPpksa us iyk;u] 2 izfr"kr us ekufld v"kDrk dks ,oa 2 izfr"kr cPpksa us chekj gksus dks eq[; dkj.k crk;kA

lks=% bZvkj,l ¼vkdM+s twu 2011 ds vuqlkj½


fo"kys'k.k ds nkSjku tc ns[kk x;k fd loZf/kd 38 izfr"kr cPps ,sls gS tks d{kk&5 esa fo|ky; ls MªkivkmV gks x,A nwljs LFkku esa  d{kk&8 vkrk gS ]ftlesa 21 izfr"kr cPpksa us viuh izkjafHkd f"k{kk iwjh fd, fcuk gh fo|ky; ls MªkivkmV gks x,Ablh izdkj 17 izfr"kr cPpsa d{kk&2 esa ] d{kk&1 esa 5 izfr"kr cPpsa]  d{kk&3 esa 7 izfr"kr] d{kk&4 2 izfr"kr] d{kk&6 esa 5 izfr"kr ,oa d{kk&7 esa 5 izfr"kr cPPkksa us fo|ky; NksM+ fn;kA


lks=% bZvkj,l ¼vkdM+s twu 2011 ds vuqlkj½


eq[; rF;

·         MªkivkmV v/;;u esa loZf/kd 61 izfr"kr cPps vuqlwfpr tkfr] 23 izfr"kr cPps vYila[;d vkSj 16 izfr"kr cPps vfr fiNM+s oxZ ls gSA

·        cPpksa dh la[;k ds fo"kys'k.k esa ik;k x;k fd MªkivkmV cPpksa esa tgka ckfydkvksa dh la[;k 22 gS ogh ckydksa dh 20 ikbZ xbZA

·        fo"kys'k.k ds nkSjku ik;k x;k fd lcls vf/kd 30 izfr"kr cPpksa us xjhch ds dkj.k fo|ky; NksM+ fn;kA ,d vksj tgka ;g dkj.k izeq[k ekuk tk jgk gS ogh nwljh vksj fo|ky; dh nwjh vf/kd gksus ds dkj.k 21 izfr"kr yfM+fd;ksa us lkekftd vlqj{kk ds pyrs fo|ky; ls ckgj gks xbZA lc ls pkSdus okyh ckr ;g gS fd fo|ky; ds vanj dh f"k{k.k O;oLFkk [kjkc gksus ds dkj.k 28 izfr"kr cPpks us chp esa gh viuh i<+kbZ NksM+ fn;kA cPpksa ls ckr djus ij ;g ik;k x;k fd eq[; leL;k f"k{kd dh ykijokgh ds dkj.k bu cPpksa dks ;g leL;k mRiUu gqbZA f"k{kd }kjk pykbZ tkus okyh uhjl f"k{k.k if)r ftlls cPpksa dks le> u vkuk Hkh ,d cM+k dkj.k mHkj dj lkeus vk jgk gSA

·        blh dze esa tksM+rs gq, ns[kk tk ldrk gS fd vf/kd MªkivkmV gksus okys cPps d{kk&2] d{kk&5 vkSj d{kk&8  ds gSA ;s rhuksa d{kk,a fdlh Hkh cPps ds fy, egRroiw.kZ gksrh gS D;ksafd "kq:vkr esa cPpksa ds mij vf/kd /;ku nsus dh vko";drk gksrh gSA ijarq cPpksa dks Qsy u djus ds izko/kku us bu f"k{kdksa dks vkSj Hkh ykijokg cuk fn;k gSA tSls cPpksa dks dqN le> vk, ;k vk, mudh d{kk mUufr djuk vfuok;Z gS vkSj ,d le; ,slk vkrk gS tc cPpksa dks dqN ugh vkrk vkSj og fo|ky; ls MªkivkmV gks tkrk gSA


vkt dh ljdkjh izkFkfed f"k{kk dh ckr djus ij ;g ik;k tkrk gS fd ,slk Ldwy tgka i<+kbZ ds vykok lc dqN gksrk gSA dgus dk rkRi;Z gS fd ljdkj }kjk fofHkUUk ykHk cPpksa ds fy, pykbZ tk jgh gSA ftlds ihNs eq[; y{; gS fd lHkh cPps Ldwy dh eq[; /kkjk ls tqM+s vkSj viuh izkFkfed f"k{kk iwjh djsaA ijarq vusdksa ;ktuk,a pykus ds ckn Hkh cgqr cM+h pqukSrh ljdkj ds lkeus gSA ,d vksj tgka f"k{kd cPpksa dh vuqifLFkfr dh nqgkbZ nsrs gS ogh nwljh vksj vfHkHkkod vkSj cPpksa ds vuqlkj f"k{kd d{kk,a ugh pykrs cl cSBs jgrs gSA vkt ge ns[krs gS fd ljdkjh Ldwy ds vkxs izkbosV Ldwy Qy&Qwy jgs gSA ;gka ij fo"kys'k.k djus dh vko";drk gS fd vf[kj xkao ds ulZjh Ldwy tks ,d dejs esa py jgk gS ogka cPpksa dh la[;k ljdkjh izkFkfed fo|ky;ksa ls vf/kd  D;ks gS\ xkao esa ;g /kkj.kk gS fd oafpr oxZ ds leqnk; vFkok vfHkHkkod vius cPpksa dks i<+kuk gh ugh pkgrs cl Nk=o`Rrh ds fy, Ldwy Hkstrs gSAogh nwljh vksj pyk, tk jgs ,d dejs ds ulZjh fo|ky; esa cPpksa dh vf/kd la[;k D;ksa gS\ D;k ;gka ljdkjh lqfo/kk,a vf/kd gS\ bldk ewy dkj.k gS fd ulZjh Ldwy esa de osru ikus okyk O;fDr ;g vPNh rjg le>rk gS fd vxj i<+k,xsa ugh rks vfHkHkkod vius cPpksa dk ukekadu dgh vkSj djk nsxssA vkt vxj fdlh O;fDr ds ikl FkksM+k Hkh /ku gS rks os vius cPpksa dks ljdkjh Ldwy esa ugh cfYd izkbosV Ldwy esa i<+kus dk iz;kl djrk gS ftlls lkQ Li'V gksrk gS fd vfHkHkkod vius cPpksa ds fy, xq.koRrkiw.kZ f"k{kk pkgrk gS u fd ljdkjh ykHkA

       f"k{kk vf/kdkj dkuwu esa ;g izko/kku gS fd dksbZ Hkh cPpk fdlh Hkh dkj.k ls fo|ky; ls vNwrk ugh jgsxk vkSj ljdkjh dh ftEesnkjh gksxh dh izR;sd cPpk viuh 8 rd dh f"k{kk iwjh djsA mRrj izns"k fu"kqYd ,oa vfuok;Z cky f"k{kk dk vf/kdkj fu;ekoyh 2011 ds /kkjk 4 esa  MªkivkmV cPpksa ds fy, fo"ks'k izf"k{k.k dk izko/kku fd;k x;k gSA ftlds rgr MªkivkmV cPpksa dks fo"ks'k izf"k{k.k nsus ds mijkUr muds vk;q vuqlkj mlh d{kk esa mudks nf[kyk fnyuk  LFkkuh; izkf/kdkjh ,oa fo|ky; izca/ku lfefr dh ftEesnkjh gksxhA ijarq /kjkry dh rLohj ls ;gh vanktk yxk;k tk ldrk gS fd vU; lHkh dkuwu dh rjg f"k{kk dk vf/kdkj dkuwu Hkh foQy gksrk fn[kkbZ ns jgk gS vkSj fQj ls oafpr oXkZ f"k{kk ls vNwrk gh jg tk,xkA ;gka vko";drk gS fd ljdkj] f"k{kk foHkkx vkSj vafre vkSj lcls etcwr dM+h f"k{kdksa dks dksbZ Bksl dne mBkus dh ftlls ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa cnyko yk;k tk lds vkSj bu cPpksa dks iqu% f"k{kk dh eq[;k /kkjk ls tksM+k tk ldsaA

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Delegation To BSA for the demand of new School

Children still deprived from Right to Education


Publication- Education Resource Society

Date- 27th September 2011


With the Introduction of Right to Education Act (RTE), India becomes one of 135 countries to make education as fundamental right of every child.  Uttar Pradesh state took almost one year to make dream of RTE into reality. UP Govt. finally drafted its RTE Act. But still it remains dream for children to education. According to section 6 in respect of children in class 1 to 5, a school shall established in habitation which has no school within a distance of 1 km and has population of at least 300 and for class 6 to 8 a school shall be established in habitation which has no school within a distance of 3 km and has population of at least 800.

Today when we look into grass root reality the situation is totally different and opposite from the provision made in Act and Constitution as well.  

District Allahabad where village Bahadurpur (Muslim Basti) of Block Bahadurpur, habitation of almost 5000 but still village is untouched from Primary school. In this village there are nearly 540 children of 6 to 14 years. Either children covers long distance to get education or not receive education especially minority Girls are affecting from the situation. In this village ratio of dropout girls is high. Feeling of insecurity not allowing girls to get first step of education.

In order to solve the problem Villagers met thrice to District Education Officer, but did not find any positive result from the administration.

Reality of RTE Act 09 on Grass root level

foQy gksrk f”k{kk dk vf/kdkj dkuwu% ,d lp!
f”k{kk dk vf/kdkj dkuwu 2009 dks izns”k ljdkj }kjk eatwjh nsus ds ckn izns”k ds lHkh fo|ky;ksa esa blds rgr 28 twu 2011 dks fo|ky; izca/ku lfefr ds xBu vkSj dk;Z ,oa ftEesnkjh dk “kklukns”k tkjh fd;k x;kA ftlds vUrxZr izR;sd fo|ky; esa 31 twykbZ 2011 rd lfefr ds xfBr gksus dh le; lhek r; dj nhA ns[kk tk, rks ljdkj }kjk ;g ,d vPNk iz;kl jgkA ijarq okLrfod :Ik esa ;g iz;kl iwjh rjg ls foQy gksrk fn[kkbZ fn;kA  bykgkckn ftys ds cgknqjiqj Cykd ds xzke iapk;r QStqYykiqj ,oa bczkfgiqj dh ckr djs rks bl iapk;r ds izkFkfed fo|ky; QStqYykiqj ,oa izkFkfed fo|ky; bczkfgeiqj xfBr izca/ku lfefr ls ;g vanktk yxk;k tk ldrk gS fd f”k{kk vf/kdkj dkuwu vkus ds ckn Hkh dqN fo”ks’k ifjorZu ugh ns[kk tk ldrkA bu nksuks ikB”kkykvksa esa xfBr izcU/ku lfefr dh u rks [kqyh cSBd gqbZ vkSj u gh ernku fd;k x;kA bu fo|ky;ksa esa lfefr dk xBu iz/kkuk/;kidksa }kjk ek= dkxtksa rd fleV dj jg x;kA lnL;ksa dh ckr djsa rks f”k{kk fe=ksa vkSj jlksbZ;ka lfefr;ksa ds lnL; gSA laLFkk ,tqds”ku fjlkslZ lkslkbVh ds iz;kl ls leqnk; us bl ckr dk fojks/k fd;k ijarq bldk udkjkRed vlj ns[kus dks feykA bUgh lc leL;kvksa dks ysdj vfHkHkkodksa dh ,d izfrfuf/k eaMy us fnukad 12 vDVwCkj 2011 dks Cykd f”k{kk vf/kdkjh ls feys vkSj lfefr ds iquZ xBu gsrq Kkiu lkSaikA Cykd f”k{kk vf/kdkjh us bl ckr dks xaEHkhjrk ls ysrs gq, ;g vk”oklu fn;k dh os TkYn gh fo|ky; dk fujh{k.k djsaxsa vkSj viuh mifLFkfr esa iqu% bl lfefr dk xBu djok,xsaA ns[kk tk, rks ;g leL;ka bUgh nks fo|ky;ksa dh ugh gS cfYd izns”k ds vf/kdrj fo|ky;ks esa bl rjg dh rLohj ns[kh tk ldrh gS vkSj fo|ky; dh fLFkfr igys Fkh ogh dkuwu vkus ds ckn Hkh lp gksrs fn[kkbZ nsrh gSA

Parents Meeting On SMC

f”k{kk vf/kdkj dkuwu ds rgr  xfBr fo|ky; izca/ku lfefr ds lnL;ksa ds lkFk bZvkj,l }kjk ,d cSBd dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA ftlesa izca/ku lfefr ds lnL;ksa ds lkFk fo|ky; dh f”k{kdksa us Hkh viuh lgHkkfxrk lqfuf”pr djkbZA l= dh “kq:vkr esa lHkh yksxksa us viuk ifjp; fn;kA ifjp; mijkUr dbZ lnL;ksa dh vksj ls ;g ckr lkeus vkbZ dh blls igys bl rjg dh dHkh dksbZ cSBd ugh dh xbZA laLFkk ds iz;kl ls vkt igyh ckj ge yksxksa dks ,d lk>k eap feyk tgka ge viuh leL;kvksa dks j[k jgs gSA ,d vksj tgka vfHkHkkod viuh ckrksa dks dg jgs Fks ogh nwljh vksj v/;kid x.k us Hkh viuh ckrksa dks j[kk dh ge yksx cgqr iz;kl djrs gS ijarq vfHkHkkodksa dh vksj ls ldkjkREkd izfrfdz;k ugh feyhA vuqHko vkSj leL;kvksa ds ysrs gq, ppkZ dks vkxs c<+kbZ dh xq.koRrk dks ysdj dkQh cgl gqbZA vfHkHkkodksa }kjk dgk x;k fd brus o’kZ i<+us ds ckn Hkh gekjs cPpksa dks dqN ugh vkrk vkSj ,d le; ,slk vkrk gS fd fQj mudh :fp i<+kbZ esa ugh jgrh vkSj etcwjh o”k vU; fo|ky; esa uke fy[kokuk iM+rk gSA bl rjg ds leL;kvksa dks ysrs gq, laLFkk izfrfuf/k;ksa us crk;k fd ;g leL;k ,d fo|ky; dh ugh cfYd mRrj izns”k ds lHkh fo|ky; dh gSA vxj gedks bu lkjh leL;kvksa ls futkr ikuk gS rks viuh xako ds Ldwy esa xfBr izca/ku lfefr dks lfdz; djuk gksxkA Ldwy izca/ku lfefr ds lnL;ksa ls iwNus ij mUgksaus crk;k fd gesa bl lfefr ds ckjs esa tkudkjh ugh gS vkSj ge yksxksa dks ;g crk;k x;k Fkk fd ge yksx izca/ku lfefr ds lnL; gS vkSj vkt bl fo’k; ij dksbZ cSBd gSA laLFkk izfrfuf/k us crk;k fd blh mn~ns”; ls vkt ge yksx ;gka cSBs gS lfefr esa fn, x, vf/kdkj ds ckjs esa ge yksx foLrkj ls ppkZ djsxsa ftlls lfefr dk lapkyu lqpk: :Ik ls fd; tk ldsA lfefr dks muds vf/kdkjksa ds ckj esa ftruh vf/kdk tkudkjh gkxh mruh gh csgrj
blh dze dks tksM+rs gq, loZizFke f”k{kk vf/kdkj dkuwu 2009 ds ckjs esa la{ksi esa crk;k x;k ftlds rgr ,d ubZ lfefr dk xBu izR;sd fo|ky; Lrj ij fd;k x;kA
1&bl lfefr esa 15 lnL; gksaxsa ftuesa 11 lnL; fo|ky; esa i<+ jgsa cPpksa ds ekrk&firk vFkok laj{kd gksaxs] ijarq lfefr esa 50 izfr”kr lnL; efgykvksa dks gksuk vfuok;Z gksxkA
2& fo|ky; izcU/ku lfefr ds vo”ks’k 4 lnL;ksa esa fuEu O;fDR gksxsa &
·        ,d lnL; lgk;d ulZ ,oa ,,ue esa ls fy;k tk,xkA ftldk p;u fo|ky; ds v/;kidksa }kjk fd;k tk,xkA
·        ,d ys[kiky
·        LFkkuh; izkf/kdkjh ds fuokZfpr lnL;ksa esa ls ,d lnL; ftldk p;u LFkkuh; izkf/kdkjh }kjk fd;k tk,xkA
·        ,d lnL; fo|ky; dk iz/kkuv/;kid vFkok iz/kku v/;kid dh vuqifLFkfr esa ofj’Bre v/;kid gksxsa tks insu lnL; lfpo gksxkA
·        fo|ky; izca/ku lfefr fo|ky; ds izca/ku gsrq  ekrk&firk lnL;ksa esa ls ,d v/;{k ,oa ,d mik/;{k dk fuokZpu djsxhA
·        lfefr  ljy Hkk’kk eaas dkuwu esa fd, x, izko/kkuksa dks fo|ky; esa i<+ jgs cPpksa ds vfHkHkkod ,oa laj{kd] LFkkuh; izkf/kdkjh rFkk jkT; ljdkj ds drZO;ksa ds fo’k; esa vkl&ikl dh vkcknh dks voxr djkuk]
·        leqfpr dk;kZUo;u gsrq ;g lqfuf”pr djuk fd fo|ky;ksa ds v/;kidx.k fo|ky; esa mifLFkr gksus esa fu;ferrk ,oa le;fu’Bk cuk, j[ksa] vfHkHkkodksa ds lkFk fu;fer cSBdsa djs vkSj cPpksa dh fujUrj mifLFfr] lh[kus dh {kerk] lh[kus esa dh xbZ izxfr ds ckjs esa voxr djk,a vkSj ;g Hkh lqfuf”pr djsa dh dksbZ Hkh v/;kid futh v/;kiu esa fyIr u gks]
·        ;g lqfuf”pr djuk fd v/;kidksa ij nlokf’kZd tux.kuk] vkink jkgr drZO;ksa vFkok LFkkuh; izkf/kdkjh ;k jkT; fo/kku eaMy vFkok laln ds fuokZpu lEcU/kh drZO;ksa ds vfrfjDr vU; fdlh xSj “kS{kf.kd xfrfof/k;ksa esa ugh yxk;k tk,A
·        Xkako ds lHkh cPpksa dk ukekadu ,oa mudh fujUrj mifLFkfr dks lqfuf”pr djuk]
·        cPpksa ds fdlh Hkh izdkj dk ekufld ,oa “kkjhfjd mRihM+u] izos”k nsus ls badkj vkSj lqfo/kkvksa ds u feyus ij LFkkuh; izkf/kdkfj;ksa dks tkudkjh nsukA
·        tgka fdlh cPps dh vk;q ;fn 6 o’kZ ls vf/kd gS vkSj mls fdlh fo|ky; esa izos”k ugh fn;k x;k gS rks ml fLFkfr esa mlds vk;q vuqlkj vf/kxe Lrj dks ns[krs gq, ;kstuk dk fuekZ.k djkuk ,oa fo”ks’k izf”k{k.k dk vk;kstu djkuk ds lkFk vuqJo.k djukA
·        v”kDr cPpksa dk fpUghdj.k ,oa ukekadu djkuk ,oa muds fy, nh tk jgh lqfo/kkvksa dks lqfu”fpr djukA
·        fo|ky; esa e/;kUg Hkkstu ds dk;kZUo;u dk vuqJo.k djuk ,oa mldh xq.koRrk lqfuf”pr djukA
·        fo|ky; fodkl ;kstuk dh rS;kjh Hkh lfefr ds lnL;ksa }kjk fd;k tk,xkA
·        lfefr foRrh; o’kZ dh lekfIr ls de ls de rhu ekg igys fodkl ;kstuk rS;kj djsxhA ;g ;kstuk rhu o’kZ ds fy, rS;kj dh tk,xhA bu rhu o’kksZ dh vyx&vyx mi;kstuk Hkh cukbZ tk,xhA
·        fodkl ;kstuk esa izR;sd o’kZ ds fy, d{kkokj ukekadu dk vkdyu fd;k tk,xk vkSj mlh ds vk/kkj ij d{kk 1 ls 5 rd ,oa d{kk 6&8 rd vfrfjDr v/;kid@iz/kkuk/;kidksa dh vko”;drk dk vkadyu Hkh fd;k tk,xkA
·        blds lkFk vfrfjDr <+kpkxr lqfo/kkvksa rFkk “kS{kf.kd lalk/ku vkfn dh HkkSfrd vko”;drkvksa dk Hkh vkdyu djuk ,oa rhu o’khZ; ;kstuk esa lekos”k fd;k tk,xkA
·        fu%”kqYd ikB~;&iqLrdksa dh vko”;drkvksa ds vfrfjDr foRrh; vko”;drkvksa ds lkFk fo”ks’k izf”k{k.k ds rgr foRrh; vko”;drkvksa dk vkdyu dj  ;kstuk esa lEefyr fd;k tk,xkA

vfHkHkkod dh izfrfdz;k& mijksDr fcUnqvksa ij ppkZ ds mijkUr mifLFkr yksxksa us dgk fd vxj bl rjg ls dk;Z fd;k tk,xk rks fuf”pr gh fo|ky; dh rLohj cnysxhA ftl rjg vfHkHkkod etcwjh o”k iSlk [kpZ djds nwljs fo|ky; esa vius cPpksa dks i<+us ds fy, Hkstrs gS os iq%u bl fo|ky; esa vius cPpksa dk ukekadu djk nsxsaA

Thursday, September 1, 2011

campaign on Girl Child Education

A Campaign on Promotion of Girl Child Education


Education Resource Society: 28th August 2011

Education Resource Society launched a campaign for promoting Enrollement and Girl Child Education in three Panchyat of Bahadurpur, Kotari and Faijullapur in the leadership of 6 Bal Groups. The campaign starts from July onwards where the Samuh Children interacted with out of school children and their Parents and motivate them for sending their children to Schools. Groups also hold various small meetings in the villages and put forth the issue of Education and discussed with them how education is important in today's life. During the program 70 children have been enrolled in Govt. Primary Schools. Finally the campaign culminated with the Jagrukta Rally and BAL Sabha in the leadership of BAL Group leader Ratan and Conducted by Ayushi. Almost 150 Children and 20 Parents took participation in it where children discussed their  educational problems like lack of School in Village Bahadurpur Muslim Basti  and Chhoti Kotari and school is so far away from their homes which prevents children especially Girls for attending schools. These are the basic reasons for non-enrollment and Dropout in these villages. Some children raised their voices about lack of Boundary wall in their schools and discussed the low quality of MDM which they don't like to eat. After discussing their problems and issues Children decided to interface with Teachers, Panchayats representatives and education administration for taking some corrective actions on these problems. At the end Group leader Ratan said that he and his groups will try to take necessary steps for solving the problems.




Monday, July 11, 2011

Finally UP Government adopts RTE Act in the State

Allahabad: Education Resource Society

 The State Education Department formally implemented the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 in the state. Issuing a government order , directed as schools coming under the basic and secondary education departments not to charge any kind of Fees from students up to class-8th This  step would benefits around 2.5 crore children in the state.

According to the Provision of RTE Act, Every Child of the age of six to 14 years shall have the right to free and compulsory education in a neighborhood school till his/her completion of elementary education.

Section 3(2) of the Act says for the purpose of attaining the target," no child shall be liable to pay any kind of fees or charges or expenses which may prevent him/her  from pursuing and completing elementary education."

The order would be applicable  for all aided schools under state basic education and secondary education departments imparting education to the level of class 8th.In the State there are more than 2 lakh Primary schools where 1.84 crore children getting their education.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Access to Education still a dream for Girls:

Article by Education Resource Society

Education of girls, especially those belonging to the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, is the primary focus in Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. Efforts will be made to mainstream gender concerns in all the activities under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan programme. Mobilization at the habitation/village level, recruitment of teachers, up gradation of primary into upper primary schools, incentives like midday meals, uniforms, scholarships, educational provision like textbooks and stationery, will all take into account the gender focus. Every activity under the programme will be judged in terms of its gender component. To ensure that every village in the state has a well equipped, well staffed, well functioning and well attended primary and upper primary school providing useful and relevant elementary education that cuts across all social, regional and gender gaps to all children in the 6-14 group specially focused on the establishment of Primary School within one kilometer and upper primary within three kilometer of every habitation. But still various villages are untouched from these facilities.

Bahadurpur block of Allahabad where many villages still lack of Primary school and girls facing lots of problems while going to school. Village Bahadurpur having a habitation of 5000 and Chhoti Kotari population of 2000 both the villages covers the remoteness of more than 1 km. In these villages mostly minority community girls either drop out or ensuring low attendance in class. Basically Girls from here facing the problems of insecurity.

RTE come into force from 1st April 2010 from this day the right to education will make each child access to education and every child in the age group of 6-14 years will be provided 8 years of elementary education in an age appropriate classroom in the vicinity of his or her neighborhood.

Any cost that prevents a child from accessing school will be borne by the State which shall have the responsibility of enrolling the child as well as ensuring attendance and completion of 8 years of schooling. But still it remains the dream of children.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Redressal Mechanism if a child is denied admission, beaten and discriminated

Redressal Mechanism if a child is denied admission, beaten and discriminated

Education Resource Society, Allahabad

One may assume that a number of complaints would be settled at the school and SMC level itself, through the intervention of civil society groups. If that does not happen, the next step would be for the complaint to be filed with the local authority. The complainant could appeal to the SCPCR if the action of the local authority does not redress the complaint satisfactorily. Yes, both the NCPCR and the SCPCRs can move on their own, suo moto, without any one specifically filing a complaint. As per Model Rule 25, SCPCRs shall set up child help lines, accessible by SMS, telephone and letter for receiving and registering complaints.

            The problem at present (April 2010) is that the NCPCR is in the process of being reconstituted, and only five states have constituted their SCPCRs, that too with varying capacities. The exact rules and procedures for redressal shall have to be worked out by the NCPCR when it again becomes properly functional, and it will have to assist the SCPCRs to do the same. The reconstituted NCPCR is expected to carry forward its earlier initiatives of linking and networking with civil society organizations for monitoring, appointing state commissioners for the enforcement of the Act (on the lines of Supreme Court Commissioners for Right to Food), networking with other Commissions like the one's for Human Rights, Women and Minorities, set up help lines and set up a separate division for enforcing the Right to Education.

            The Model Rules provide that in states that do not have SCPCR at present (which is set up by the Women and Child department), the education department shall constitute a Right to Education Protection Authority (REPA) till the SCPCR comes into force.

Under the NCPCR Act 2005, the NCPCR and SCPCRs have quasi-judicial powers whereby they can investigate, summon and recommend cases to the courts. They cannot, however, pass judgments and hand out punishments. As a law flowing out of a fundamental right, it is justifiable from the lowest to the highest court of the country. One can file a case in the lowest civil court, or the Supreme/High Court, depending on the nature of complaint. NCPCR has already initiated moves to work through civil society groups in a variety of ways. Independent of that, NGOs and other civil society groups can on their own bring violations to the notice of authorities and courts. An example of that is the civil society group Social Jurist working in Delhi. They can ensure opening of neighborhood schools, monitoring teacher availability, and help in local redressal mechanisms. Since the 'compulsion' in the Act is on the governments, the NCPCR/SCPCR and the courts shall have to investigate where the onus of a particular violation rests, and judge accordingly

Reformation of BRC and NPRC


Allahabad: Education Resource Society

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is implemented as one of biggest education program for universalizing elementary education. Its overall goals include universal access and retention, bridging of gender and social category gaps in elementary education and enhancement of learning levels of Children. SSA Provides variety of interventions including opening of new schools, construction of schools and additional class room, toilets and drinking water facilities, provisioning for teachers, periodic teachers training and academic resource support etc.

For providing academic resource support to Primary School, Block Resource Center (BRC) at block level and Nyan Panchyat Resource Center (NPRC) at Nyan Panchyat level have been established. Coordinator and Sankul have been appointed to run these institutions. The work of these institutions determine at various levels:

·         Capacity building of Teachers

·         Community Participation

·         Technical training  like computers ,video  etc

·         Interchange of Educational information.

·         Monitoring of Schools

·         Implementation of Schemes in Schools.

·         Support in joyful learning

·         Proper coordination with other institutions.

According to GO no.3356/15-5-2000-424/2001,2257/15-5-2002-424/2002,329/79-5-2009, order has come to dissolve these institutions as these were not giving expected outcome,  GO also stated to reform BRC and NPRC for the beginning to established its work.

In Bahadurpur block of Allahabad BRC and NPRC reformation took place where 5 coordinators and 18 Sankul has been appointed to run these institutions for ensuring the work for which it have been formed. ERS updates itself in all the process of these institutions.