Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Access to Education still a dream for Girls:

Article by Education Resource Society

Education of girls, especially those belonging to the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, is the primary focus in Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. Efforts will be made to mainstream gender concerns in all the activities under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan programme. Mobilization at the habitation/village level, recruitment of teachers, up gradation of primary into upper primary schools, incentives like midday meals, uniforms, scholarships, educational provision like textbooks and stationery, will all take into account the gender focus. Every activity under the programme will be judged in terms of its gender component. To ensure that every village in the state has a well equipped, well staffed, well functioning and well attended primary and upper primary school providing useful and relevant elementary education that cuts across all social, regional and gender gaps to all children in the 6-14 group specially focused on the establishment of Primary School within one kilometer and upper primary within three kilometer of every habitation. But still various villages are untouched from these facilities.

Bahadurpur block of Allahabad where many villages still lack of Primary school and girls facing lots of problems while going to school. Village Bahadurpur having a habitation of 5000 and Chhoti Kotari population of 2000 both the villages covers the remoteness of more than 1 km. In these villages mostly minority community girls either drop out or ensuring low attendance in class. Basically Girls from here facing the problems of insecurity.

RTE come into force from 1st April 2010 from this day the right to education will make each child access to education and every child in the age group of 6-14 years will be provided 8 years of elementary education in an age appropriate classroom in the vicinity of his or her neighborhood.

Any cost that prevents a child from accessing school will be borne by the State which shall have the responsibility of enrolling the child as well as ensuring attendance and completion of 8 years of schooling. But still it remains the dream of children.

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