Friday, June 30, 2017

One day workshop with adolescent group at Osa Village

Education Resource society, Allahabad organized one day workshop at Osa village Shankargarh. There were more than sixteen adolescent girls actively participated. The workshop facilitated by our social activist Ms Pooja. She has discussed with the children about importance of education in life and also counsel to them about subject choice secondary and senior secondary school education. Hereafter, presented girls participated in art creation and provide to them art papers, pencils, colors and others relevant materials. They have happy and created more then dozen paintings, Like flowers and memorable art etc.


Formation of Mothers committees at AWC level

The state government circulated a orders on 29 May 2017 for re-formation of mothers committees at AWC level. The order circulated to all district magistrate and district project officers. As per guide line 7-12 mothers or grand mothers should be elected in every centers. The organization met to CDPO Shankargarh and shared circular and also wish to support AWW for the mother committees formation in operational villages of the organization. The CDPO circulate a letter to all Aganwari workers, supervisor and mark to Education Resource Society in this regards. We have planned accordingly and decided dates to formation of committees
  in AWC lalai, Osa, Kakraha and Ganne Pahad till 30 June 2017. We have given backup support to AWW to gather Panchayat sadasy, Mothers at AWC to form Mother committee. On the day of formation there have more than 35 mothers participated in each meetings and successfully formed four mothers committees. Elected members of mothers committees committed to play theirs role to best interest of children, pregnant women adolescent girls and lactating mothers.     

Thursday, June 29, 2017

सैकड़ों आदिवासी महिलाओं ने तहसील दिवस पर पेयजल के लिए भरी हुँकार

इलाहाबाद जिले का  विकास खँड शंकरगढ़ आमतौर पर  सूखाग्रस्त इलाके कहा जाता है जो बुँदेलखण्ड की सीमा पर अवस्थित है. जहाँ आमतौर पर मार्च माह से पेयजल का सँकट शुरू हो जाता है जलस्तर जैसे जैसे घटता है वैसे-वैसे कुएँ,पोखरे सूखने लगते है हैन्डपम्प जवाब देने लगते है पानी अनुपलब्धता लोगो की दिनचर्या बदल देती है पानी के अलावा लोगो का मुद्दा नही होता यही कारण है कि सँस्था द्वारा गन्ने गांव मे आयोजित 18 जून की बैठक मे पानी के मसले पर जमकर बात हुई और मामला इतना गहराया कि 20 जून को तहसील घेरने का फैसला कर बैठे.फिर क्या निरधारित तिथि पर सैकड़ो महिलाएं और पुरुष अपने सँसाधनो से पहुच गये बारा तहसील । महिलाओं का गुस्सा सातवें आसमान पर था जिसे सँस्था सदस्यों ने सम्भालते हुये मौजूद अधिकारियों से सकारात्मक बातचीत करवाई और माँगपत्र सौपा गया. उपजिलाधिकारी ने तत्काल सम्बंधित अधिकारियों को अग्रसारित करते हुए निस्तारण का आदेश दिया।

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Sharda kol suffering from tuberculosis a long time

46 years old Mr. Sharda kol lives with his wife and 6 children at Room pahadi village of block  shankargarh, Allahabad. He has spent more than 30 years their life in stone mines works. He has no agriculture land nor any others resources for livelihood to them and his family. He has not works alone in the stone mines rather his wife be him part the same works.  During the home visit by ERS staff of the last Jan 2017 come out that he is critically sick and unable to sit or down on the cot due to weakness. In first sight feeld that he has tuberculosis symptoms. The organization worker suggest to Sharda that go to PHC Naribari immediately and need to check-up of TB and also staff contact to medical technician of pathalogy Mr.Pandey. We are send to them for proper checkup at PHC and the report came tuberculosis positive. Mr. pandey refer to DOTs. Center to them and provided medicine and necessary suggestions about care, best food practices and keeping rest etc. After three month course he has well before previously and happy to organization support also he has committed for the completion of the course.