Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Small step to achieve Big Dream

In today’s discourse Mushar are the untouchables who are also considered & called as ‘Rat eater’ by the society. They are exterminated from the mainstreamed as their presence not only tolerated upper Savarna caste but also other same lying community avoids making any engagement with them.

Day of Admission in school
Ganne Chauraha is one of the most populated communities of Kol, Dharkar, Mushar and chamar residing in the village in Shankargarh block of Allahabad District. Despite the society keeps on changing but the life of Mushar still the same. As today they works as daily wager in the seasons of marriages where they were called to remove eaten plates (juthe pattals) and other related works, in the meanwhile seasons of Rabi and Kharif they called by Big farmers to work in their fields and while returning they brings some cereals (chawal or Gehu) as wage which they keep and eats with family. They stay at home until the cereals finished and again they start searching for kind of job.

Various programs and schemes have been initiated by the Govt. but cannot reaches to the families of Mushar. In the beginning ERS approaches the families to link with the Govt. Schemes instead of showing some positive response they avoid to make any dialogue with the ERS. These families becomes our priority because  never been to school children  were really more in numbers, it could be say wrong that Teachers were never approaches the families but the families behavior always discourages the School for children enrollment.
This was became big task, as if the families could talk we can starts our conversation but they could not speak a single word in our presence, one day ERS changed the strategy and brings sports materials so that children once attract and starts speaking with us, this we succeeded as we entered in the basti we the material we found that children were gathered in numbers, in the beginning we could not speak a single word but to take out sports material and starts playing with the children, parents of the children were looking at us a small distance after spending hours.

Children were getting ready for School
we called the families , that day was the first day of our conversation with the parents, this initiatives
were carried on with few days more as we realized that now the right time come to starts our conversation about children enrollment a day later again we went and asked the families and children for enrollment in schools, that was unbelievable for us that parents and children were ready to take enrollment in  school.
For the very first time Mushar families went to school and enrolled their 8 NBS children in PS Garan School. This journey were never stops as they all even went to Adhar center for making Adhar card which were mandatory for admission. Presently all children regular goes to schools where they all were received books, uniforms.