Saturday, June 9, 2018

आदिवासी महिलाओं ने सम्पूर्ण समाधान दिवस पर उठाई अपनी मांगे-

विकास खंड शंकरगढ, इलाहाबाद की आदिवासी महिलाओं ने सम्पूर्ण समाधान दिवस पर उठाई अपनी मांगे- सर्व विदित है कि इलाहाबाद जिले का विकासखंड शंकरगढ़ जिले का सबसे पिछड़ा क्षेत्र है। जहाँ दलित, आदिवासी व अन्य पिछड़े वर्ग की आवादी सर्वाधिक है इनमे अधिकतर श्रमिक वर्ग है यह वर्ग आज भी दमनकारी ताकतों के सामने खुलकर अपनी बातों को रखने से कतराता है। कुछ लोगो में यदि अधिकार मूलक सोच पनपती है और संगठित होने का प्रयास करते है तो उन्हें टुकड़ो में बाटने की राजनीति शुरू हो जाती है । फिर भी हमारी संस्था " एजुकेशन रिसोर्स सोसाइटी " का इस दिशा में भगीरथ प्रयास जारी है।  रोटी-रोजी, आवास , गुणात्मक शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, पोषण पेयजल जैसी बुनियादी सुविधाओं के आभाव जीते लोगो का लगातार हौसला बढ़ाया गया। नतीजन, पंडित का पूरा, सीध टिकट पहाड़,दद्दा का पूरा, ओसा आदिवासी बस्ती व ललई गाँव के दर्जनों ग्रामीण महिलाएं सहित तहसील बारा पहुँचे। जहां सम्पूर्ण समाधान दिवस पर स्वच्छ पेयजल, कुओं की मरम्मत, हैंड रिपेयरिंग, बिजली, शौचालय निर्माण, नालियों में दवाओं का छिड़काव व राशन कार्ड से संबंधित मांग पत्र मंडल इसमे संस्था सहयोगी संतोष कुमार ,पूजा,इमरान, नाजिया व समुदाय से कंचन लालबहादुर,शांती,सीमा, किरण आदि लोग मौजूद रहे।

A story of suffering from HIV/AIDS and the last fatal stage of T.B.

The story is a mirror shows the real scene of harmful effects of ignorance and cruelty of our society. It is a case study of Swati singh (Changed Name) who stands between life and death today. She is suffering from HIV/AIDS and the last fatal stage of T.B. (M.D.R.). Today her condition is as critical as no one wants to stay with her.   
Swati, who is 25 years old, is belonging to the weaker section and a resident of Harro G.P. of Shankergarh Block of Allahabad Distt. She is married before 6th years ago, with Balwan Singh, resident of Kaundhiyar Block of Allahabad Distt. He works in a Cloth Factory of Madhya Pradesh, where he lived with Swati. Their married life was good. After few years of marriage she suffered from fever and cough but due to ignorance time was passing away, she and her husband didn’t give serious attention towards this side. With ignorance they didn’t move to Dr. and thus they were not come to know about the specific disease and gradually Swati was getting physically week and becoming thin and lean. With passage of time Balwan was getting irritated with swati’s ill health and this situation made worse for their relationship. It resulted that Balwan sent her to Kaundhiyar to his family where no one were ready to adjust with swati. Family members were also not aware that in this situation they should take swati to Dr.  All this situation moved to swati to her fatal condition. In this situation family started to harass swati. Then swati called to her mother and told about her critical condition. Her mother brought swati to her home and sent her to Dr. where after 8 months continue treatment when no positive result was found then her mother moved to Parvati Hospital where after checkup it is found that swati is seriously suffered from HIV/AIDS and the last critical and fatal stage of T.B. (M.D.R.). All family members got shocked to know this and became worried about swati. All local pvt. hospital denied to admit swati at that time.
Swati’s family requested to the ERS representative for help. At the time ERS representative got the help of 108 and undertook the responsibility of admitting her in the SRN Hospital of Allahabad. Seeing the serious condition of swati SRN denied to admit her. ERS’s representative took the help from DM and CMO then counselor Nandini Sharma of A.R.T. center and other Doctors of SRN hospital, supported completely in this regard finally Sw was admitted to SRN hospital now her is in Oxygen waratid and getting a right treatment under continuous doctors vigil.
Today Swati’s husband and her sasural members are only responsible for her serious condition. As they didn’t took her to the Dr. even seeing her becoming serious. Rather providing right treatment to Swati, her husband kept on giving her general medicines from medical stores, when her condition was getting serious continuously they started to harass Swati. Even they didn’t take any information for a year about Swati after she came to her home. Thus a complaint on dowry has been filed in Kaudhiyar Station against her’s Sasural members through complaining on women help line no. 181 and 1090 and the next process will be proceeded after improvement in her’s condition, moreover her sasural members are continuous under inquiry by Kaundhiyar police station. If Swati got the right treatment in right time, she might be away from her this fatal condition. Today she and her family are thankful to ERS and prayed to God to save Swati, who wants to live her life.
After having 22 days continuous treatment Swati got improvement in her condition and she is discharged from the SRN hospital on 14 of April 2018. She is at her home, she with her whole family is highly grateful of ERS as ERS representative was always with her during treatment and getting information of her treatment.